Tratamentul ortodontic la vârsta adultă: Ce trebuie să știți

Ortodonția este o disciplină a stomatologiei care se ocupă cu alinierea dinților și corectarea problemelor de aliniere a maxilarelor. De obicei, asociem ortodonția cu copiii și adolescenții care poartă aparate dentare pentru a-și îmbunătăți zâmbetul și sănătatea orală. Cu toate acestea, este important de menționat că ortodonția nu este exclusiv pentru cei tineri. Adulții, de […]
Orthodontic Treatment in Adulthood: What You Need to Know

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with aligning teeth and correcting jaw alignment issues. Typically, we associate orthodontics with children and teenagers wearing braces to improve their smiles and oral health. However, it’s important to note that orthodontic treatment is not exclusive to the young. Adults can also benefit from orthodontic treatment, and […]
Oral Health in the Context of Systemic Diseases

Oral health is a major concern for many people around the world, but it can be affected by various systemic diseases. Systemic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and many others can have a significant impact on oral health and therefore can influence the choice of dental treatments, such as dental implants. Although dental […]
Sănătatea orală în contextul bolilor sistemice

Sănătatea orală este o preocupare majoră pentru mulți oameni din întreaga lume, dar aceasta poate fi afectată de diferite boli sistemice. Bolile sistemice, cum ar fi diabetul, bolile cardiovasculare, cancerul și multe altele, pot avea un impact semnificativ asupra sănătății orale și, prin urmare, pot influența alegerea tratamentelor dentare, cum ar fi implantul dentar. Deși […]
Recuperarea prin kinetoterapie după un traumatism ortopedic

Recuperarea după o traumă ortopedică poate fi o călătorie lungă și provocatoare. Cu toate acestea, kinetoterapia poate juca un rol critic în facilitarea procesului de reabilitare. Kinetoterapia are ca scop îmbunătățirea mobilității, flexibilității, rezistenței și funcției părții afectate a corpului. Acest lucru se realizează printr-o serie de exerciții și tehnici adaptate nevoilor unice ale fiecărui […]
Cost of dentistry in Albania

Albania is the perfect dental-tourism destination, offering high quality treatments at excellent prices. By traveling to Albania you can save up to 60% on dental treatments with no compromise to the level of service. Thanks to low costs in Albania, anyone can afford to treat their teeth properly, and visit a country with a lot […]
Dental care in Albania

Dental care in Albania is the greatest cost-benefit option in Europe. Other advantages? Low cost, ease of reaching any Albanian dental clinic, joy of a great holiday in Tirana with the people of your choice. Albanian dental lab tech, coordinated and operated by expert technicians, always attentive to the needs of the patient and able […]
Mouth guard for grinding teeth

Grinding is a common dental problem that people do not talk about. In this article, we will discuss what grinding teeth are and how you can use a mouth guard to help with your condition. Grinding teeth: What is it? Grinding teeth, or clenching your jaw, is a problem that affects many people. According to […]
Home remedies for dental infection

A toothache is the worst. You’re in pain and it’s hard to focus on anything else. If you experience a toothache, there are some home remedies that can provide relief without having to go to the dentist or drugstore. I know when you read this, that there is a 70% to know very well what […]
How to stop tooth pain fast

Tooth pain can be an awful experience. It can ruin your day, and it’s no fun. Tooth pain can also be a sign of something more serious going on in your mouth or even the rest of your body. So, if you’re suffering from tooth pain, you should definitely see a dentist (or another health […]
How many teeth do humans have?

Have you ever wondered how many teeth humans have? The answer is not so simple, but we will help you understand it better. In this article, we are going to tell you about the stages that a tooth goes through and when it is normal for a child or adult to start losing their teeth. […]
How long takes for the Dental numbing to wear off?

Dental numbing, or anesthesia, is used to block pain signals from the teeth and gums. It is a common procedure that is typically safe and effective. There are four main types of dental anesthesia: local, regional, general, and sedation. Local anesthesia numbs a specific area. Regional anesthesia numbs a larger area. General anesthesia puts the […]
How to overcome the fear of dentist

Did you know that there is a name for the fear of dentist? It’s called “dentophobia,” and even if we don’t have clear statistics, you’re sure to know someone who has this fear… or, maybe even you. How does fear of dentist manifest itself? In general, this fear manifests itself as anxiety, with symptoms such […]
Teeth Alignment – more than aesthetics

Proper teeth alignment is not just an aesthetic procedure, but a way to regain your own personality, confidence and form relationships with others. Very few people are born with perfectly straight teeth, there is no misfortune, but some of us really need to straighten our teeth. A crooked smile can damage your self-confidence and first impressions […]
Cum influențează folosirea laserului chirurgia dentară?

Astăzi, laserele sunt utilizate pe scară largă în multe domenii ale medicinei. Cu ajutorul lor se efectuează proceduri chirurgicale neinvazive și se corectează diverse disfuncții anatomice și fiziologice. Acum, acestea devin tot mai populare și în cabinetele stomatologice pentru diferite tratamente și proceduri, care au ca scop eliminarea durerii și a complicațiilor ce pot apărea […]
How to get a flawless dentition

Oral hygiene is not limited to brushing and flossing twice a day. It is a general approach that involves tracking what you eat, participating in routine dental exams, professional teeth cleaning, and treating minor dental problems. If you neglect your teeth, you will have excessive tartar formation, which could lead to bacterial infections, gum disorders, deep […]
The best way to replace a lost tooth

Currently, treatments based on a dental implant are the most used and safest ways to replace missing teeth. Thus, you will be able to eat your favorite dishes again, but also enjoy a perfect smile. If for various reasons you have lost one or more teeth, then you can solve this problem quickly and without […]
What is the wisdom tooth? Should it be removed?

The wisdom tooth is actually molar 3 and develops around the age of 17-25 years, but there are some cases in which they occur at over 30 years of age. There are people who can have 1, 2, 3, 4 or even more wisdom teeth , and people who have none. Did you know that […]
What is a root canal and how you know you need it

Root canal obturation is the procedure that the specialist dentist will perform when a tooth is extremely caries, broken or presents other serious problems, but it can be saved from extraction. The problems that our teeth can develop, sometimes due to improper oral hygiene, diet and our lifestyle, other times apparently without a reason attributable […]
How can mouth sores be treated quickly?

What are mouth sores? Mouth sores are lesions similar to open wounds and are formed on the soft tissues of the oral cavity. They generally appear on the inner lips, tongue and gums. They are round and white and have a red area around them. Depending on the size they have, they may be different […]
What is a dental abscess and how to treat it

A dental abscess is a collection of pus that can form inside the teeth, in the gums or in the bone that holds the teeth in place. It is caused by a bacterial infection. An abscess at the end of a tooth is called a periapical abscess. An abscess in the gum is called a […]
Toothache – Causes, Medications and Prevention

You’ve probably heard how terrible your toothache is, or you’ve had such an episode. What are the causes, how is the toothache manifested and, especially, what are the pain medications we can take and the methods of prevention? We go through all these topics in this article! Causes of toothache Toothache occurs when the nerve in the […]
Inflamed gums – symptoms, prevention, treatment

Your gums are very important when it comes to the health of your teeth. Although many people choose to ignore certain conditions, long-term inflammation or bleeding will affect dental health. The gums are the soft tissues around the teeth that cover the jaw and when they are healthy, they are pale pink. At times, swelling may […]
Visit the dentist – how you know you are too late

Let’s be honest, most people probably postpone going to the dentist. Some of us even avoided seeing a dentist for years. What is certain is that as the time spent away from the dentist’s chair increases, so does the cost of potential dental work. Why should you visit your dentist? Neglect of dental hygiene can have detrimental […]
When a dental crown is needed

Your teeth reflect both your health and especially your eating habits. If you take care of them regularly and make visits to the dentist, your teeth will be strong and shiny. If, with age, teeth begin to lose their functionality or aesthetic properties, the most common and practical solution is dental crowns. What they are, when they […]
Every child deserves a fair and healthy smile

Smiles help us to convey the happiness we feel inside, to the outside. We do this from an early age, but over time it becomes conditioned by the health of our smile. People end up smiling less and less – not because they are unhappy, but because they end up facing various problems related to oral health. […]
A perfect smile with dental veneers

Are you looking for a quick way to get and keep a long-lasting aesthetic and white smile? Then you need to know more about dental veneers! What are dental veneers? Dental veneers are an artificial structure made of different materials, such as porcelain or composite. They are applied to the surface of the teeth for […]
White spots on the teeth and how to treat them

White teeth can be a sign of excellent tooth care, which is why some people do everything they can to keep their smile as white as possible. This includes daily brushing, regular brushing and the use of teeth whitening products. But what to do when the presence of white spots on the surface of the teeth […]
Ear and jaw pain: causes and treatment

The ears, nose and throat are connected by a delicate network of tubes, channels and passages. This is one of the reasons why diagnosing a problem in any of these three areas often requires an examination of the others. Oral health problems leading to earaches Sometimes an ear infection can cause toothache. In other cases, dental problems […]
Symptoms of baby teeth eruption

When it comes to teeth, all babies are different. But your baby will have teeth during the first year. The dentition usually begins around four to eight months with the lower front teeth and continues until the age of 30-36 months, when the last set of molars appears. During the period of appearance of teeth, […]
The importance of a functional dentition

Our teeth have such an important role to play in our lives. It helps us chew and digest food, helps us to speak clearly, and also gives shape to our face. A smile has other daily benefits. It can give us more confidence, as well as influence our social life, careers and relationships. For this […]
Perfect smile with the help of dental aesthetics

What is the difference between dentistry and aesthetics? Traditional dentistry is focused on oral health, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a disease, while dental aesthetics was born to place greater emphasis on improving the natural appearance of teeth and harmonizing facial features. A beautiful and healthy smile guarantees, in most cases, a real success. So, whether we […]
Prevention and early dental treatment

Preventive dentistry is the practice of caring for teeth to keep them healthy. This helps to avoid caries, gum disease, enamel wear and more. There are many forms of preventive dentistry, such as daily brushing and dental cleaning. To maintain optimal oral health, we recommend visits to the dentist at regular intervals set by a […]
Regain the perfect smile with porcelain teeth

Porcelain teeth are a very good option when you want to regain your smile but also your functionality, managing to enjoy, again, your favorite dishes and drinks! You will be able to enjoy a series of benefits if you make such a choice: The ceramic / zirconium tooth will have a natural look, thus, it […]
Elastic dentures for an enviable smile

You need a consultation to be able to see exactly what are the best options you can follow and what is the right type of solution for you. During the consultation, you will receive all the details you need to know about the type of intervention, its duration and cost. Also, if you want to […]
7 dangers of poor dental health in seniors

Mouth health directly affects overall health and quality of life. Dental problems in particular are a common cause of medical and emergency visits, according to the American Dental Association. Common medications and chronic diseases in older adults, such as diabetes or heart disease, place the elderly at an increased risk of dental problems. Lack of […]
Oro-maxillofacial surgery use in dentistry

Maxillofacial surgery is a unique specialty that combines medical and dental science. This branch of surgery comprises procedures that treat trauma and diseases that affect the head and neck, with the exception of the brain. The jaw is the major bone of the middle face that forms the upper jaw. Maxillofacial surgery was born out […]
Tot ce trebuie să știi despre aparatul dentar

Ințelegerea procesului de a obține aparat dentar este primul pas înainte de a-ți pune unul. Există mai multe tipuri de aparat dentar din care vei alege alături de medicul specialist care se ocupă de dinții tăi și mai multe informații pe care trebuie să le cunoști înainte de montarea aparatului. Ai nevoie de aparat dentar? […]
Cum ne salvăm dantura?

Pentru salvarea unuia sau mai multor dinți care au suferit distrucții majore se folosesc dispozitive protetice fixe numite coroane dentare care cresc rezistenta acestora sau care înlocuiesc dinți lipsă. Coroanele dentare sunt folosite la refacerea dinților grav deteriorați, cu carie avansată, pulpită și alte boli. Utilizarea lor este posibilă chiar și în cazurile în care volumul […]
Importance of having healthy teeth

Having healthy teeth can really be an improvement to your health and wellbeing. Research has shown that a clean oral cavity will improve your health and prevent an increase in microorganism into your body. The benefits of having healthy teeth really goes a long way from just having a fresh breath and a Hollywood smile. […]
What are the most common causes of toothache?

A toothache or toothache occurs when the nerve in the root of a tooth or around a tooth is irritated. Dental infections, caries, lesions or loss of a tooth are the most common causes of dental pain. Pain can also occur after extraction. The pain sometimes comes from other areas and radiates up to the […]
Care sunt cele mai comune cauze ale durerilor de dinţi?

O durere de dinți sau de măsea apare atunci când nervul din rădăcina unui dinte sau din jurul unui dinte este iritat. Infecțiile dentare, cariile, leziunile sau pierderea unui dinte sunt cele mai frecvente cauze ale durerii dentare. Durerea poate apărea și după o extracție. Durerea provine uneori din alte zone și radiază până la […]
Dental abroad in Romania – costs and details

Romania is rapidly becoming the perfect destination for dental treatment and dental implants. While prices in Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Slovakia and Poland grew in the last few years, Romania is now 20-40% cheaper. Romania dental standards High standards and great expertise make Romania the choice of thousands of patients from U.S., France, Italy, Belgium, UK […]
Dental treatment costs in Bulgaria

Implants: dental implants replace missing teeth. They are placed into the bone substituting them and resemble natural tooth roots Implants are a solutions for a complete or partial loss of teeth by bridges and dentures over implants. The diagnosis is made in a high-quality laboratory. Orthodontics: aim as a dental specialty to detect problems and […]
Czech Republic for dental treatment

The reasons are not only affordable prices but also the historically excellent level of medicine and the high standard of training of doctors and medical staff. Czech Republic offers you a high quality of stay, an individual approach and many years of experience in the wellness tourism. The beauty of the country, the friendliness of […]
Dangers and risks of dental tourism

If you decide to try dental care abroad take the time to look at each of these agencies to contact, make estimates, and why not – try to contact former clients. They will be better able to tell you about the dental care they have made, they will talk about their fears, expectations, and if […]
23 questions before going abroad for dental treatment

Tips for prospective patients to dental clinics abroad: all the questions you need to ask a dentist from a foreign country. Here are 23 important questions to ask the surgeon or dentist questions if you plan to have treatment abroad. What are your qualifications and where can I check? Do you have a specialty and […]
Soft tissue surgery – gingivoplasty

Periodontics is the branch of dentistry which studies supporting structures of the teeth, known as the periodontium. Gum disease (gingivitis) is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults and can lead to a need for dentures, bridges or implants. Gum disease is caused by bacterial plaque. If this plate is not under medical supervision, […]
Redo all your teeth in Hungary

What can you do: 1) Redo all your teeth in Hungary: Dental implant and bone graft Inserted in the jawbone where it integrates into the bone and tissue, the implant will eventually replace the natural tooth root. This solution enables the creation of fixed and perfectly stable prostheses which are then placed on the implants […]
Dental tourism in Romania: great convenience for you

But dental tourism in Romania is the best deal for you. Among all the countries coming from European Union member countries (Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland and Hungary), for you the best offer comes from Romania: the best prices for dental services and the best travel conditions. Dental tourism in Romania: You go abroad for […]
Eastern Europe average price list for dental treatments

From the beginning: 1. Dental treatment / procedure / service: Periodic Oral Evaluation – Average Cost In U.S. = $80, Best deal in Eastern Europe countries = $18. Total saving per dental procedure: $62 (78%). 2. Dental treatment / procedure / service: Comprehensive Oral Evaluation – Average Cost In U.S. = $120, Best deal in […]
Dental Veneers for a great smile

Typically, dental veneers will cost between $250 and $1,500 per tooth, which is low relative to other types of veneers. Even though composite veneers will last only 5-7 years and don’t look as perfect as porcelain veneers, they are definitely a good option if you need an affordable veneer. Indeed, a well done dental veneer […]
Dental tourism agencies

Some patients go through a specialized agency such as Smile Partner based in Angers, and directed by Caroline Bournay, 30, a dentist’s daughter. Smile Partner accompanies the patient from beginning to end of treatment. The agency also helps patients build their social security file. For since Hungary in the European Union, the French social security […]
Dental clinics in the East because of the cost

Save Euro 2600 in Poland Good experience has * made in a dental clinic Szczecin the 37-year-old Berlin Dirk W.: Instead of 6000 Euro he only paid 3358 euros for four full ceramic crowns and a three-unit bridge. He received the quote by fax, then he went (a total of 1200 km) for four treatment […]
Introduction to Dental treatments – knowing is less fearing

What is dental therapy and how does it help you? Dental therapy deals with the treatment of tooth damage, be it tooth decay or cracks, fractures, etc. Dental therapy restores, through treatment specific to the condition, the integrity of the natural tooth, both functionally and aesthetically. We think we know our mouth like we know […]
Perfect dental and summer holiday in Bulgaria

Tourist activities are on offer, including water skiing, jet skiing, ecotourism and spa. Enjoy a dental week stay in Varna and leave with new crown or bridge. Apart care within orthodontics, all procedures and treatments offered by the German Swiss clinic Varna: here’s a quick overview of the dental care that you are possible to […]
Travel for dental treatment abroad

We know traveling to developing countries, especially those from Eastern Europe, can be a bit frightening, but all you need in fact is to be properly informed. Like anywhere in the world, there are places to go and places to avoid, but after 25 years since these countries joined the western values, things changed significantly […]
Croatia for dental treatment

There are always several different options or ways to achieve the desired result. It is up to you to choose which option works best for you. Croatian philosophy is based on understanding your needs, requests and expectations. And here is how much getting that smile back might cost you: Check up – free of charge. […]
Affordable dental procedures in Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is in the center of Europe and with today’s cheap flights, you can be in Prague or in Brno faster than in London, Dublin or elsewhere and probably cheaper too. Even if you don’t have a serious reason to visit Czech Republic, such as taking care of your dental problems, is still […]
How much dental treatment is in Hungary?

Many people have discovered that by choosing to have their dental treatment in Hungary, they not only save money but get to combine their treatment with a new holiday experience. Where we can get this? In many places, but keep Hungary in mind as one of the first choices. How much is dental treatment costing […]
Recommended dental treatment clinics in Croatia

Many dental clinics in Zagreb cater specifically to foreigners seeking affordable dental care and quality, with some even offering to pay hosting their clients. Again, word of mouth is a great way to find a dentist, but a quick Google search will also set up clinics in Zagreb whose services are particularly friendly stranger. 1. […]
Stomatological procedures costs in Latvia

And now the prices: Oral examination, preparation of treatment plan and qoute = $50. Small X-ray = $10. Dental X-ray (panoramic) = $30. Annual control examination in Riga (inc. examination, panoramic X-ray, transfer) = $80. Tooth extraction (with bone preservation) = $70. Wisdom tooth extraction = $180. Root resection (front teeth) = $180. Implant replace […]
Special destination for dental treatment abroad – Latvia

Since we know the treatment plan, we can plan the necessary treatment for the time calculated earlier. Dentists always endeavour in scheduling to meet your needs to respond. For example, two mornings, from 10 to 12 AM – and that’s all! You should not have to sit for hours in the waiting room; you have […]
Dental abroad prices in Poland

Each geographical area has it’s own worth, in the South you’ll find cultural attractions such as former concentrations camps, salt mines, and the culture of Krakow, wheras in the North you can take day trips to Danmark or Sweden, and great shopping in Warsaw. Going abroad for dental treatment in Poland can cost you as […]
Cheapest dental care in Hungary

Your cheapest dental care in Hungary: Between 50 and 70% savings on the price of dental care compared to the rates generally charged in west. No compromise on quality dental care: The best dental clinics were selected by the Esthetic Tours teams for dental excellence. Dental treatment abroad, do not go on an adventure! Do […]
Poland for dental treatment and care

In addition to ultra-modern treatment centres are, of course, smaller clinics, which specialize for the treatment of patients. For price-conscious patients, such practices are much more interesting. The prices there are much lower than in U.S. – and a patient can save a lot of money. The quality of work is very good as a […]