Oral Health in the Context of Systemic Diseases

the best full denture

Oral health is a major concern for many people around the world, but it can be affected by various systemic diseases. Systemic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and many others can have a significant impact on oral health and therefore can influence the choice of dental treatments, such as dental implants. Although dental […]

Mouth guard for grinding teeth

mouth guards

Grinding is a common dental problem that people do not talk about. In this article, we will discuss what grinding teeth are and how you can use a mouth guard to help with your condition. Grinding teeth: What is it? Grinding teeth, or clenching your jaw, is a problem that affects many people. According to […]

How many teeth do humans have?

how many teeth we have

Have you ever wondered how many teeth humans have? The answer is not so simple, but we will help you understand it better. In this article, we are going to tell you about the stages that a tooth goes through and when it is normal for a child or adult to start losing their teeth. […]

How to overcome the fear of dentist

fear of dentist

Did you know that there is a name for the fear of dentist? It’s called “dentophobia,” and even if we don’t have clear statistics, you’re sure to know someone who has this fear… or, maybe even you. How does fear of dentist manifest itself? In general, this fear manifests itself as anxiety, with symptoms such […]

Visit the dentist – how you know you are too late

dental care - professional dental care

Let’s be honest, most people probably postpone going to the dentist. Some of us even avoided seeing a dentist for years. What is certain is that as the time spent away from the dentist’s chair increases, so does the cost of potential dental work. Why should you visit your dentist? Neglect of dental hygiene can have detrimental […]

Symptoms of baby teeth eruption

baby teeth - beby teeth eruption

When it comes to teeth, all babies are different. But your baby will have teeth during the first year. The dentition usually begins around four to eight months with the lower front teeth and continues until the age of 30-36 months, when the last set of molars appears. During the period of appearance of teeth, […]

The importance of a functional dentition

healthy teeth

Our teeth have such an important role to play in our lives. It helps us chew and digest food, helps us to speak clearly, and also gives shape to our face. A smile has other daily benefits. It can give us more confidence, as well as influence our social life, careers and relationships. For this […]

7 dangers of poor dental health in seniors

dental care for seniors

Mouth health directly affects overall health and quality of life. Dental problems in particular are a common cause of medical and emergency visits, according to the American Dental Association. Common medications and chronic diseases in older adults, such as diabetes or heart disease, place the elderly at an increased risk of dental problems. Lack of […]

Importance of having healthy teeth

Importance of having healthy teeth

Having healthy teeth can really be an improvement to your health and wellbeing. Research has shown that a clean oral cavity will improve your health and prevent an increase in microorganism into your body. The benefits of having healthy teeth really goes a long way from just having a fresh breath and a Hollywood smile. […]

What are the most common causes of toothache?

dentocare Bucuresti

A toothache or toothache occurs when the nerve in the root of a tooth or around a tooth is irritated. Dental infections, caries, lesions or loss of a tooth are the most common causes of dental pain. Pain can also occur after extraction. The pain sometimes comes from other areas and radiates up to the […]

Dangers and risks of dental tourism

Dangers and risks of dental tourism

If you decide to try dental care abroad take the time to look at each of these agencies to contact, make estimates, and why not – try to contact former clients. They will be better able to tell you about the dental care they have made, they will talk about their fears, expectations, and if […]

23 questions before going abroad for dental treatment

23 questions before going abroad for dental treatment

Tips for prospective patients to dental clinics abroad: all the questions you need to ask a dentist from a foreign country. Here are 23 important questions to ask the surgeon or dentist questions if you plan to have treatment abroad. What are your qualifications and where can I check? Do you have a specialty and […]

Eastern Europe average price list for dental treatments

Eastern Europe average price list for dental treatments

From the beginning: 1. Dental treatment / procedure / service: Periodic Oral Evaluation – Average Cost In U.S. = $80, Best deal in Eastern Europe countries = $18. Total saving per dental procedure: $62 (78%). 2. Dental treatment / procedure / service: Comprehensive Oral Evaluation – Average Cost In U.S. = $120, Best deal in […]

Introduction to Dental treatments – knowing is less fearing

Dental treatments

What is dental therapy and how does it help you? Dental therapy deals with the treatment of tooth damage, be it tooth decay or cracks, fractures, etc. Dental therapy restores, through treatment specific to the condition, the integrity of the natural tooth, both functionally and aesthetically. We think we know our mouth like we know […]