Dental treatments Hradec Kralove – Czech Republic. Why you might consider visiting any of these dental facility? Your best choice for dentist abroad, cheap bone grafts, dentures or false teeth and more

Zubni lekarstvi Basova, s.r.o.

Clinic address: Bretislavova 1057/6 – Prazske Predmrsti, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic; dental clinic contact: +420 495 514 188 /

Why making such trip to a dentist? Excellent for dental tourism, quality bone grafts, affordable sinus lifts and the list can continue.

Eva Klimesova MU Dr.

Location and contact details: V Kope?ku 81/1 – Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic; dentist contact: +420 495 510 767 /

Why we think is worth going to this dental clinic? Quality and cheap clinic abroad, affordable dental implants, quality sinus lifts and more.

Grand Dental Clinic, s.r.o.

nam. Republiky 56 – Pardubice, Czech Republic; dentist office contact details: +420 608 382 500 /

Reasons to choose this dental office? Best family dentistry clinic overseas, cheap dental implants or dental implants abroad.

Other dentists in Hradec Kralove:

To conclude our entry on Cosmetic and medical dentistry in Hradec Kralove – Czech Republic

Cosmetic and medical dentistry in Hradec Kralove - Czech Republic

Hradec Kralove – Czech Republic, Dental treatments: Bonding, Braces, Bridges and Implants , Crowns and Caps, Dentures, Extractions, Fillngs and Repairs, Gum Surgery, Oral Cancer Examinations, Root Canals, Sealants, Teeth Whitening, Veneers


Today’s best place to start your information search for an affordable and useful dental solution: dental treatment abroad.

Last advice: before contacting the people presented in this article, take your time and do some good quality reading: