Dental treatments in Pecs – Hungary. Why we think is worth going to such dental clinics? Quality and cheap clinic abroad, affordable dental implants, quality sinus lifts and more

3T Dental Fogorvosi Rendel

Clinic address: Pecs – Jokai u. 32, Hungary; dental clinic contact: +36 72 233 200 /

Why choosing this dental clinic? Affordable dentistry abroad, cheap porcelain crowns, affordable root canals and much more.

Fogaszat es Szajsebeszet PECS – Dr. Palinkas I Dr. Vajta

Location and contact details: Pecs – Nagy Imre ut 46, Hungary; dentist contact: +36 20 344 4303 /

Reasons for going to this dentist office? Best for dental trips abroad, quality root canals, affordable porcelain crowns and so on.

AB-Dental Fogorvosi es Szajsebeszeti Centrum Pecs

Pecs – Hungaria u. 53, Hungary; dentist office contact details: +36 30 962 5541 /

Pecs Dental clinics – full listing

Why making such trip to a dentist in Pecs, Hungary?

Excellent for dental tourism, quality bone grafts, affordable sinus lifts and the list can continue.

Average prices for a complete dental implant based on more than 10,000 stories, both in US and abroad, shows a significant difference. Although the treatment is different for each patient, the basic procedures are quite similar, so the comparison is quite useful.

To conclude our entry on Clinics for teeth in Pecs – Hungary

Clinics for teeth in Pecs - Hungary

Pecs – Hungary, Dental treatments in: Bonding, Braces, Bridges and Implants , Crowns and Caps, Dentures, Extractions, Fillngs and Repairs, Gum Surgery, Oral Cancer Examinations, Root Canals, Sealants, Teeth Whitening, Veneers


Today’s best place to start your information search for an affordable and useful dental solution: dental packages abroad.

Last advice: before contacting the people presented in this article, take your time and do some good quality reading: